Jacqueline Esai, originally from Nikolai, Alaska, is currently living in New Haven, Conn., where she is studying law at Yale Law School. After graduating in June 2010, Esai said she would like to spend a year or two clerking for a judge before getting a job with a law firm.
“I wanted to embark upon a career path that would open many doors,” Esai said about why she chose to go into law.
In addition to her studies, Esai is also a member of the Native America Law Students Association, and the Women of Color Collective, which are student groups at Yale.
Esai, who is a 2008 – 2009 Morris Thompson scholarship recipient, said she was “very honored” to be selected for the award. She added that the funding contributes toward her living expenses and enables her to focus on school full-time.
“I think Alaska’s students are a field of potential that local businesses and individuals do well to cultivate. After all, the students of today are the employees and employers of tomorrow,” she said.
Esai, who is the daughter of Philip and Dora Esai, encourages other Doyon Foundation students to “aim as high as you can.”