The scope of the BP Summer & Community Hire Program (“Program”) administered by NMS (NANA Management Services) Employee Leasing is to clean, repair, rebuild, revamp, test, inventory, and account for oil waste, debris, sediment and safety data on relevant equipment, fields, roads, pads and facilities on BP’s Prudhoe Bay and associated oil fields on the North Slope of Alaska. The work is performed by approximately 100 BP Exploration Alaska, Inc. (BPXA) dependants. For the Community Hire portion, a preference is given to students who are shareholders or decedents of shareholders of Alaska Native Corporations.
Deadline: March 5, 2010. See below flyers for more information.
I cannot open the flyers. It is saying that the coding isn’t right. Can you please fax one to NULATO TRIBAL COUNCIL 907-898-2207
How do I apply for this (or related) positions?
You can email Charlene Hudson at [email protected]. Let us know if you need further assistance. Thank you.
-Doyon Foundation
[email protected]