Our mission is to provide educational, career and cultural opportunities to enhance the identity and quality of life for Doyon shareholders. We work toward this primarily through our scholarship program, which has awarded more than $11.6 million since inception, and our language revitalization program, which recently launched a series of online language-learning lessons through the Doyon Languages Online project. If you would like to support this mission, we invite you to explore the many ways to give, get involved and connect with Doyon Foundation!
Ways to give
- Pick. Click. Give. to the Foundation when you complete your PFD application.
- Support scholarships while you shop by linking your Fred Meyer rewards card to the Foundation. Watch this short video for step-by-step instructions.
- Make a secure online donation on our website or Facebook.
- Consider a donation in honor or memory of a loved one.
- Employees of the Doyon family of companies can also set up automatic donations from their paycheck. Download the Doyon, Limited employee payroll deduction enrollment form.
- Download, complete and return our hard copy pledge form.
Ways to get involved
- Volunteer at a Foundation event, like the annual Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic.
- Donate food or door prizes for student dinners.
- Deliver snacks to university students during finals week.
- Make scholarship application deadline reminder calls to students.
- Serve on the Foundation board or scholarship review committee.
- Sign up to receive emails about upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Ways to connect
Email us:
Call us: 907.459.2048 or 1.888.478.4755
Follow us on social media:
Complete our alumni survey or be featured in a student, alumni or language champion profile.