Language Grants

As part of our continuing effort to revitalize the endangered Native languages of the Doyon region, Doyon Foundation awards Our Language grants of up to $5,000 each year to support language revitalization efforts in the Doyon region.

Doyon region tribal governments/tribal councils/communities; nonprofit Alaska Native organizations, societies and community groups; and Alaska Native cultural, educational and recreational organizations/centers are eligible to apply for an Our Language grant.

Grant proposals must include a project description and timeline; plan for language documentation; project budget; completed community language survey; letter of support from village council or tribal office; and community language plan (optional). Each awardee agrees to schedule two mandatory project check-ins, and submit a final report at the end of their project.

Doyon, Limited established the language grant program in 2012, and the Doyon Foundation language revitalization program now manages the grant program.