NBC has authorized two internship slots for its multi-year diversity program and is focusing on specifically recruiting Native American students.

NBC plans to rotate both students through a variety of departments within NBC to maximize exposure to the company and career opportunities that are available. They will be recruiting in New York City and Los Angeles for qualified applicants. As with other Emma Bowen Foundation internships, students would be recruited as graduating high school seniors or college freshman and work each summer until college graduation. Students earn both an hourly salary and matching scholarship funds. Qualified students must have a 3.0 or better grade point average for eligibility.

Applications are available on our website at www.emmabowenfoundation.com.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Phylis Eagle-Oldson, President & CEO, Emma L. Bowen Foundation, 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 9th Floor Washington, DC 20004 .

Phone: 202.637.4494
Fax: 202.637.4495