Please read the email below from Angelina Etrada-Burney:
Hola! I am a member of the Council of Alaska Leadership Development and recently several members met with Mayor Dan Sullivan to discuss ways we can attract more young people into leadership positions. One of the many things we discussed was the lack of young people that apply to serve on the Municipality’s many Boards and Commissions. I have offered to assist the Mayor’s office in reaching out to our many young and bright leaders to consider applying for these wonderful opportunities.
I have attached the links to the Municipality’s Boards and Commissions page as well as the page that lists the vacancies. If you are interested in applying, please click on the third link that should take you directly to the application form and just follow the instructions on what you need on order to be considered.
I sincerely hope you will consider serving in this capacity. Our diverse cultural communities offer so much in young talent and innovation and serving on a board would highlight this as well as bring a voice to the young adults in the community.
Muchas Gracias for your consideration!
Angelina Estrada-Burney, President, Hispanic Affairs Council of Alaska