The Cooperative Education Program at Johnson Space Center is open to graduate and undergraduate students from around the country. As a Co-op, you will regularly alternate semesters at school with semesters at JSC working in a paid, full-time position directly related to your field of study. This supplements lessons learned at school and gives valuable real-world experiences you won’t get in a classroom!
Johnson Space Center (JSC) offers college students around the country the chance to work in paid, full-time positions directly related to their fields of study. “Why should I apply?” you may ask. If the prospect isn’t enough that you can work with the most advanced, successful space program in the world, where spacecraft are created, astronauts are trained, missions are controlled, and so much more happens, consider that you can:
Our program involves students from many academic fields, including Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering; as well as limited positions in Business, Science, and Liberal Arts. We have roughly 160 students from 50 participating schools and nearly every state in the nation.
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Application Info
Participating Schools
Co-op Ambassadors