Doyon/ARAMARK Joint Venture provides professional level interpretation in support of the Denali Natural History Tour (DNHT). Two existing elements of the DNHT are the Living History Presentation at Savage Cabin and The Alaska Native Cultural Interpretive Presentation. Regarding the Cultural Interpretive Program, the purpose is to enrich the visitor’s experience by exposing them to Alaska Native culture in manner that meets NPS standards for interpretation at Denali National Park and preserve Example topics could include beliefs – our place in the world, customs, lifestyle, subsistence, and/or history, that has a direct correlation with Native Athabaskan use of the Denali environment.The presentation is delivered at Primrose Overlook (the turn-around point for the DNHT), an area with sweeping views of Denali, the Alaska Range, and the Outer Range.
For more information, contact Sara Lynn, HR Manager, at [email protected], P) 907.264.4607 F) 907.258.3668, or visit