Jessica Black, of Fort Yukon and Nenana, Alaska, is pursuing her PhD in social work at Washington University in St. Louis. After graduating in June 2014, Black hopes to teach at a university and participate in community-driven research in indigenous communities. Just as Black is engaging in important work, she believes what Doyon Foundation does is also critical.

“The Doyon Foundation is important because it helps to build future leaders, who will have a spot at any decision-making table, where the voice of Native people can be heard. Donors who support Doyon are essentially investing in a way where their support will be used in the most efficient and useful way,” said the 2008 – 2009 scholarship recipient.

Beyond supporting students financially, Black believes Doyon Foundation donors are making a positive and powerful statement to students.

“When you donate to the Doyon Foundation, you are not only giving back, but also telling those people who receive your support ‘I believe in you, so I am making an investment towards your success,’” she said.