Doyon Foundation student Raquel Williams, of Allakaket, Alaska, is currently attending the Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC), where she is pursuing a certificate in business and office technology.
Williams said her biggest challenge to date has been filling out all the paperwork required to go back to school. She tackled this challenge by organizing everything and then just completing the paperwork.
Williams said she appreciates the support she’s received from Doyon Foundation.
“Doyon Foundation helps with my financial aid to pay for school,” she said.
After graduating from AVTEC in May 2011, Williams wants to “find a great job with my certificate, and build a great home for my children.”
In her free time, Williams, who is the daughter of Joe and Rhea Williams, Jr., enjoys playing with her children.
“They are my life,” she said.
That’s my girl!! Go Raquel!