** Deadline for the 2011 Summer Internship is March 30th, 2011. **
Senator Begich accepts applications for internships in Washington, D.C., Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks. The internships are available to Alaska students who have completed at least one year in a post-secondary program (college, vocational school, etc) and recent graduates. The summer internship will be from the beginning of June through the first part of August. In Washington DC, the hours are 9am-6pm daily, paying $1500 per month before taxes. In Alaska, the hours are 8:30am-5:30pm daily, paying $1000 per month before taxes. Interns will be notified of selection by April 15th, 2010. All applications must be submitted by email.
If the above parameters are acceptable and you are interested in applying for an internship in Washington, D.C., or in Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau please send an email to internships@begich.senate.gov. Please indicate in which city you would like to work.
Applications will require the following information:
- Completed application.
- A cover letter explaining why you are interested in the internship, a bit about yourself, and the days/hours you’re available each week.
- A 2-3 page writing sample. This can be a school paper or something creative you wrote for this purpose.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email internships@begich.senate.gov. Senator Begich’s office is fully committed to ensuring that interns have an interesting, educational, and fulfilling experience.