See the below email from Janie Simms Hipp, J.D., LL.M. (Chickasaw), Senior Advisor to the Secretary:
Greetings from Washington! And greetings from Secretary Vilsack. I just want to re-iterate our desire to advance as many internship resumes from TCUs throughout the Department as possible. Depending on the agency and the needs, we are willing to place students locally, regionally, and in the national offices.
If you could identify even 3-5 (or more) eager and interested students at your end and let us know their interests, we will do our best to place them in agency internship positions. But I need the resumes this week so that they can be on-boarded as soon as possible.
Please send them via email to me at: Janie.hipp; or to Barbara Blake at Barbara.blake. We will work with Lawrence and his staff to augment the 1994 intern program by adding more TCU students in the other intern programs currently underway across the Department.
Thanks for your help!
Janie Simms Hipp, J.D., LL.M. (Chickasaw)
Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Tribal Affairs
Office of Tribal Relations
United States Department of Agriculture
14th and Independence Ave. SW, 500A Whitten Building
Washington DC 20250
202-205-2249 (main)
202-720-1058 (fax)