Invitation to Rural Providers’ Conference
On behalf of the Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) and the Tanana Chiefs Conference we are extending an invitation for workshop proposals for the 30th Annual Rural Providers’ Conference (RPC).
Conference Theme: “Our Hearts – Together.”
- Dates: June 10 – 14, 2013
- Location: Fairbanks, Alaska – at the Tanana Chiefs Conference Campus (CPJTB, MTCVC, DSTH)
The conference is an annual gathering, designed by rural Alaskans to share information, gain skills and participate in training to address substance abuse in a variety of culturally significant ways. The RPC is conducted in a style compatible with Alaska Native lifestyles and ways of communicating including ceremonies, circle talks, and cultural events. Participants include substance abuse service providers, professionals seeking to earn continuing education and college credit, youth, elders, and family members interested in gaining new energy and celebrating their own sobriety.
Please consider this year’s theme as you develop your presentation ideas along with the Tanana Chiefs Conference Health Services Mission Statement: “Healthy People Across Generations” TCC Heath Services, In Partnership with Those We Serve, Promotes and Enhances Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellness, Through Education, Prevention and the Delivery of Quality Services. Examples of presentation topics to address could be suicide, sexual abuse, felon re-entry, trauma, as well as youth specific and/or gender specific.
With this application we are encouraging all presenters to be available for networking as much as possible during the four days of the conference. It is important to the local organizers that our conference participants to be able to communicate with presenters throughout this event.
To submit a proposal, please fill out the attached “Application to Present” and forward it to Bridget McCleskey at [email protected]. Be sure to let me (Bridget) know of any questions you may have. The deadline for submitting proposals is March 29, 2013. Unfortunately funding is not provided for presenter’s travel and lodging. Applicants will be notified following the review process.
We hope that you will be able to join us for this very exciting event!
Bridget McCleskey
Conference Coordinator
RPC 2013 – Save the Date.pdf
Application to Present 2013 v 2.docx