Interior Alaska residents will share perspectives on subsistence livelihoods in a changing climate and discuss questions from the audience on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Wood Center ballroom.
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Resilience and Adaptation Program will host “Subsistence: Tales of Tradition and Change,” a panel discussion and storytelling session. The panelists are:
- Rhonda Pitka, first chief of the Native Village of Beaver, who participated in a roundtable discussion with President Obama during his recent visit to Alaska.
- Natasha Singh, staff member with Tanana Chiefs Conference and member of its Hunting and Fishing Task Force.
- Sam Demientieff, who was born in Holy Cross in 1939 and grew up along the Yukon River.
- William “Bill” Demoski, who grew up in Koyukuk and lived a traditional lifestyle based on hunting, trapping and fishing in the Galena area.
- Diana Campbell, a writer for the UAF Geophysical Institute, who is Gwich’in and Alutiiq.
The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
The UAF Resilience and Adaptation Program,, offers an interdisciplinary training and education curriculum that focuses on sustainability in times of rapid change.
ADDITIONAL CONTACT: Mary Van Muelken, 907-474-7029, [email protected].