Have you checked out the Doyon Foundation October Native Word of the Month?
Vadzaih Zhrii = October
Neeyaakee = Sunrise
Juk van neeyaakee gwiizhik hakeesha’aii. = I woke this morning while the sun was rising.
Neeyaakee = Sunrise
Juk van neeyaakee gwiizhik hakeesha’aii. = I woke this morning while the sun was rising.
1s hakeesha’aii – I awaken
2s hakeena’aii – You awaken
3s hakee’aii – He/She awaken
1p hakeeree’aii – We awaken
2p hakeekhwa’aii – You all awaken
3p hakeegee’aii – They awaken
To hear an audio recording of this month’s word, click here. Have a translation in another language? Share it with us on Facebook! Want to see previous words of the month? Click here.
Thank you to Allan Hayton for providing this month’s translation!