Consider adding one more name to your shopping list – a student

Dear friends,

‘Tis the season of giving! If you’re like us, you have a long list of special people to shop for. It’s such a wonderful time of year and wonderful opportunity to demonstrate to friends, family and colleagues how much you love and appreciate them.

holiday gift listAs you consider the perfect gift for each person on your list, we’d like to encourage you to consider adding one more name to your list – a student. While most gifts end up on a shelf somewhere, a gift to the Doyon Foundation scholarship fund has lasting meaning.

By investing in a student’s education today, you allow them to attend school tomorrow, ultimately giving them the tools they need to become leaders and positive community contributors in the future.

Your gift this holiday season will be impactful for many years to come.

Plus, if you make a gift by December 31, 2017, your donation is tax-deductible this year.

There are two easy ways to make your gift:

  1. Make a secure online donation at
  2. Mail in a check to Doyon Foundation, 615 Bidwell Ave., Suite 101, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701.

Undirected gifts will go to our general scholarship fund, which awards basic scholarships to part-time and full-time students. You may also choose to direct your donation to a specific scholarship fund by noting that when you make your gift.

You may also make a gift in honor or in memory of someone special. Simply note that in the “special instructions” online or in the memo line of your check.

From all of us at Doyon Foundation, we wish you happy holidays and all the best in the coming year!


Doris Miller, Doyon Foundation Executive Director

Student Gift List

Here are a few ways your gift can make a tangible gift for a student:

  • $15: Starting cost for a required textbook
  • $22: Shuttle and bus transportation for one semester
  • $51: Parking permit for one semester
  • $135: One semester of basic medical services
  • $202: One in-state credit
  • $595: Basic meal plan for one semester
  • $1,000: Half the estimated cost of books and supplies
  • $2,070: One semester of on-campus housing

* Estimated expenses from