Want to learn how to budget as a college student? Interested in a career in finance? Come learn from some financial experts and Doyon Foundation alumni who have been in your shoes at our upcoming Student $ucce$$ Dinner in Fairbanks! All Doyon Foundation students, alumni, family, friends and other supporters are welcome to attend this free event.
Thursday, February 22
5:30 p.m.
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Rural Student Services Gathering Room
The evening will feature a presentation, titled Taxes and Financial Planning for College Students, by Doyon Foundation accountant, Kelly Ward, CPA. Kelly, who is the co-owner of the certified public accounting firm Robinson & Ward, will discuss common tax situations for college students, financial planning opportunities and the importance of budgeting.
We’ll also hear from three Foundation alumni, who will share about their educational journey and career experiences. Joining us are:
Bruce Miller. Bruce graduated with a bachelor’s degree in geography and a minor in economics in 1991. He went on to receive a Bachelor of Business Administration with an HR focus in 1992. Bruce, who has worked at Doyon, Limited for nearly 26 years, is currently the senior risk management analyst for the corporation.
Abigail Riggs, CPA. Abigail graduated from UAF in 2010 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting. The following year, she graduated with an MBA with an emphasis in capital markets. She became a certified public accountant in 2014, and currently serves as the finance manager at Doyon, Limited.
Julie Biddle. Julie is Gwich’in/Navajo, originally from Fort Yukon. She received her bachelor’s degree in business economics from UC Santa Barbara and her MBA with an emphasis in capital markets from UAF. She worked for Doyon, Limited for 20 years, starting in an entry-level communications position before being promoted to vice president of shareholder services. After receiving her MBA, Julie worked for Doyon as a financial analyst. She recently began work for the Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments, a consortium of 10 tribal governments in the Yukon Flats, overseeing the Native American Career and Technical Education Program. She is also a member of the grants management and compliance team.
Are you a Foundation alumni? If so, please consider bringing a door prize donation or a dish to share. Let us know what you can bring when you RSVP.