We are pleased to present our January 2019 Native words of the month. Thank you to our translators Irene Solomon Arnold (Tanacross), Avis Sam (Upper Tanana) and George Holly, Jr. (Deg Xinag).

Photo by Allan Hayton
Naxaxaldíik = They tell stories.
Xey ta naxaxaldíik. = In the winter they tell stories.
Listen to an audio recording:
Upper Tanana

Photo by Allan Hayton
Nahiholnek = They tell stories.
Xay tah nahiholnek. = In the winter they tell stories.
Listen to an audio recording:
Deg Xinag
Gilekiye = Songs
Sraqay oxo q’oded gilekiye iłtse. = He is making new songs for the kids.
Listen to an audio recording:
For more translations, view our Native word of the month archives on the Foundation website.