The Center for Native American Youth at The Aspen Institute (CNAY) has partnered with Brown University Pre-College Programs to award full-tuition, residential scholarships for two Native students to attend a Brown University Pre-College program during summer 2019. The CNAY-Brown Summer Scholarship covers tuition, room and board, application fees, and program fees.
CNAY-Brown Scholars have three summer program options to choose from: Summer at Brown, the Brown Leadership Institute, and the Brown Environmental Leadership Lab (BELL) at Rhode Island. All programs take place on or near Brown’s campus in Providence, Rhode Island.
All CNAY-Brown application materials are due at 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Sunday, May 12, 2019. CNAY will notify all applicants of their final application status by May 20, 2019.
Application Deadline: May 12, 2019 11:59 PM Eastern Time.