2018 strategic planning meeting; photo by Susan Paskvan
We are pleased to share our March 2020 Native words of the month! Thank you to Susan Paskvan and Dewey Kk’ołeyo Hoffman for providing these Denaakk’e (Koyukon) translations:
Denaaggenaa’ = Our friends
Susan: Denaaggenaa’ eedaałne ts’eneeł’aanh. = It is good to see our friends again.
Dewey: Denaa lonhne needaatl. = A lot of people arrived.
For more translations, view our Native word of the month archives on the Foundation website.
We also invite you to access free online language-learning lessons by signing up for Doyon Languages Online! We currently have lessons available for Holikachuk, Denaakk’e, Benhti Kenaga’ and Gwich’in, as well as a special set of Hän lessons based on the work of the late Isaac Juneby. All interested learners may sign up and access the courses at no charge – sign up today!