Eighth Generation Call for Artists

Doyon, Limited has partnered with Eighth Generation to have custom blankets created and is seeking inspiration from the artists across our region. We are asking you to submit photos of your current art portfolio, any art you have already created (bead work, baskets, paintings, canvas, or mixed media) for a chance to work with Eighth Generation.  The artist selected will be asked to create a piece that will inspire a wool blanket design to be produced by Eighth Generation.

What is Eighth Generation?
Eighth Generation is, “a Native-owned and operated company based in Seattle, Washington. It was founded in 2008 when Louie Gong (Nooksack) started customizing shoes in his living room. Now the first Native-owned company to ever produce wool blankets – with a flagship retail store in Seattle’s iconic Pike Place Market – Eighth Generation is a proud participant in the global economy. Through the Inspired Natives Project, Eighth Generation creates opportunities for cultural artists who, like Louie a short 8 years ago, struggle to meet demand for their handmade cultural art. To learn more about Eighth Generation, visit their website here.

Take a peek Inside the Eighth Generation Studio







How to Submit Art Portfolio
Photos of art submissions are released to Doyon to use freely and/or for this project. The finished blanket design will change based on Eighth Generation recommendations.

Click here to submit your photos or submit your information and photos via email to [email protected]

The deadline to submit art is May 1, 2020.

For more information on the call for artist, contact Doyon, Limited at 907-459-2000 or [email protected]