Our August 2020 Native word of the month features phrases that celebrate the bounty of the upcoming fall season in Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross) and Deg Xinag. Tsín’ęę, dogidinh, thank you to our speakers Irene Arnold Solomon and Edna Deacon.

Tanacross photo


Noxłuu de jah jeg tniitsiig’. = Fall time is when the blueberries ripe. (Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’/Tanacross)



Speaker: Irene Arnold Solomon


Deg Xinag

Lighan ilax tux niłyagh vitux gidendlningh. = Silver salmon come when blueberries are beginning to ripen. (Deg Xinag)


Speaker: Edna Deacon


For more translations, view our Native word of the month archives on the Foundation website.

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