Congratulations to the 320 students who are receiving a total of $752,400 in scholarships for the spring 2021 semester!
We are pleased to award 176 full-time basic scholarships, 100 part-time basic scholarships and 44 competitive scholarships.
Students, your scholarship is on its way! Log in to your student account if you have questions about your scholarship application status.
Also, mark your calendar for our next scholarship application deadline: Monday, March 15 at 11:59 p.m. is the deadline to apply for scholarships for the summer 2021 semester.
Learn more about our scholarships in our scholarship brochure, vocational scholarship brochure and scholarship resource handbook, or read about some of our past and current recipients on our blog!
The total amount awarded is significantly higher than last spring, as Doyon Foundation recently increased our scholarship amounts. The increase allows us to better serve our students as they pursue their educational goals in the face of continually rising costs of higher education.
A special thank you to our generous donors who continue to support the scholarship and language revitalization programs at Doyon Foundation. View a list of our donors or make a gift on our website.
For more information or assistance, contact our scholarship program manager at 907.459.2048 or [email protected].