Do you have an idea for a language revitalization project focusing on the languages in the Doyon region? Apply for an Our Language grant from Doyon Foundation!
In a continuing effort to revitalize the endangered Native languages of the Doyon region, Doyon Foundation will award grants of up to $5,000 to support language revitalization efforts. Applications for the 2021 Our Language grants are due Friday, February 26, at 5 p.m. AKST.
Online applications are preferred; interested applicants may apply at www.doyonfoundation.com. Hard copy applications are available upon request; contact [email protected] or 907.459.2162.
Doyon region tribal governments/tribal councils/communities; nonprofit Alaska Native organizations, societies and community groups; and Alaska Native cultural, educational and recreational organizations/centers are eligible to apply for an Our Language grant.
Grant proposals must include a project description and timeline; plan for language documentation; project budget; completed community language survey; letter of support from village council or tribal office; and community language plan (optional). Each awardee must submit a final report at the end of their project and before the deadline of Thursday, September 30, 2021.
The 10 ancestral languages of the Doyon region are all severely to critically endangered, and will be lost within the span of a few generations if no action is taken. These languages are Nee’aanèegn’ (Upper Tanana), Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross), Hän, Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in), Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim), Denaakk’e (Koyukon), Deg Xinag, Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga (Lower Tanana), Holikachuk, and Inupiaq.
Doyon, Limited established the language grant program in 2012, and the Doyon Foundation language revitalization program now manages the grant program. Last year, the Foundation awarded eight grants totaling $50,000 to support a wide variety of community-based language revitalization projects.
To apply, complete the online application accessible at www.doyonfoundation.com. Or help us spread the word by sharing our grant flyer.
For additional information, contact Doyon Foundation’s language revitalization program at [email protected] or 907.459.2162.