RSVP to join us Friday, May 21 on Zoom
Graduates, alumni, family, friends and other supporters are invited to join Doyon Foundation for our 2021 virtual graduate reception! The event will take place via Zoom on Friday, May 21 at 1 p.m. AKDT.
To participate, please complete and submit our RSVP form by Thursday, May 20 at 5 p.m. Then, watch your email for the Zoom link to participate in the reception.
The reception will feature graduate speaker Taniesha Moses and alumna speaker Andrea Nield. Taniesha, from Northway, graduated May 1 from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a bachelor’s degree in social work. Andrea, from Nultao, is a graduate of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where she received a bachelor’s of business administration, management and organizations.
If you are graduating this year, there is still time to complete our graduate information request form. We’ll feature the information you share in our 2021 electronic graduate yearbook and in our 2021 graduate video! Check out the 2020 graduate yearbook and 2020 graduate video.
While we’ll miss coming together in person again this year, we are pleased that the virtual format will allow students and supporters from across the state and country to participate.
We hope you can join us to celebrate the Class of 2021! Please complete our RSVP form today, and watch your email for the Zoom link to participate in the reception.