Join Doyon Foundation to celebrate the start of a new school year and recognize our fall 2021 scholarship recipients! Mark your calendar and plan to tune in for the virtual premiere of our 2021 scholarship award recognition video on Friday, September 10 at 1 p.m. AKDT. The video will premiere on our Facebook page, and also be posted to our YouTube channel for viewing later.
We’ll have welcomes from Doyon, Limited and Doyon Foundation leaders, a special prayer for students, words of inspiration and encouragement from a student speaker, announcement of all our fall 2021 basic and competitive recipients, and recognition of our donors, who make our scholarships possible.
Be sure to watch until the very end, when we draw the names of the 20 students selected to receive Lenovo ThinkPads, generously donated by designDATA and the Google American Indian Network. If you are a Doyon Foundation student who needs a computer for school, be sure to complete our need survey by Friday, August 27, at 5 p.m. We will then review the submissions and eligible students will be entered into a random drawing, with the winners announced at the end of our scholarship award recognition video on September 10.
We hope to see you at the premiere on September 10 to celebrate the start of the school year and our 2021 – 2022 our scholarship recipients!