Are you a graduate in the Class of 2022? If so, tell us all about it so we can help you celebrate!
We encourage all Doyon Foundation students who graduated or are graduating in the 2021 – 2022 school year to complete a short graduate information request form by Monday, April 25, at 5 p.m. AKDT. We’ll feature the information you share in our 2022 graduate yearbook and video! See our 2021 graduate yearbook and 2021 graduate video.
Our graduate information form asks you to upload a photo for your graduate yearbook page, as well as a short video for the graduate video. In your video, you can briefly share about your future plans, thank those who have helped along the way, or give advice or encouragement to others. Please make sure your video is horizontal, no more than 30 seconds long and that the file is no larger than 50 MB.
Help us celebrate all of your hard work and accomplishments! Please take a few moments now to fill out our graduate questionnaire and upload your photo and short video.
Also be sure to save the date for our 2022 graduate reception, which will take place on Friday, May 6, at 2 p.m.! This will be a hybrid in-person and virtual event, with space for up to 30 guests to attend in person. Watch our website and social media for more details, including event location.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 907.459.2049.
From all of us here at Doyon Foundation, conGRADulations and thank you!