The Doyon Foundation staff and board of directors recently finalized a set of strategic plans that will guide the future growth and success of the organization. The overarching strategic plan details the Foundation’s 20-year goals, including:
- Being the statewide leader amongst Alaska Native corporation educational foundations for shareholder opportunities.
- Doyon Languages Online is recognized as the leader for language learning resources.
- Shareholder alumni serve in the highest positions statewide.
The strategic plan also includes more detailed goals and action items for year one, year three and year five.
The Foundation also created separate strategic plans for the language program and development efforts. Within the language plan, the Foundation will focus on data, collaboration, sustainability and programs to reach our 20-year vision:
- Communities speaking and understanding their languages fluently.
- Language and cultural resources are recorded, archived and accessible.
- Doyon Foundation serves as the facilitator for community-based, stakeholder-driven “language centers” that are actively leading language revitalization efforts for each of the 10 regional languages.
As part of the development plan, we will be working toward creating a strong foundation for development efforts; retaining and recognizing donors; increasing giving amounts and frequency; increasing new donors; offering legacy and planned giving opportunities; and fundraising for a mission-driven goal.
For more information on the Foundation or to get involved, visit www.doyonfoundation.com or contact us at [email protected] or 907.459.2048.