Join Doyon Foundation to celebrate our Class of 2022 at this year’s graduate reception on Friday, May 6, at 2 p.m. AKDT! This will be a hybrid in-person and virtual event. Attend in person at the Rural Student Services Gathering Room on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, or join via Zoom at bit.ly/DF2022gradreception.
This year’s reception will feature both a 2022 graduate speaker as well as an alumni speaker, sharing about their educational journeys and advice they’ve learned along the way.
2022 graduates are also encouraged to introduce themselves, say thanks to those who have offered help, and share about their plans for the future. Some things graduates may want to include in their introductions are:
- Their name
- Where they are from
- The school they are graduating from
- The degree they are receiving
- Their future plans
- Any special thank yous to those who have supported them along the way
Current students, 2022 graduates, alumni, family, friends and Doyon Foundation supporters are all invited and welcome to attend, either in person or via Zoom!
We’re also working on our 2022 graduate yearbook and video, so keep an eye on our website and social media for the upcoming release. If you are graduating and have not yet submitted your information for inclusion in the 2022 graduate yearbook and video, please complete our graduate information form as soon as possible.
We can’t wait to celebrate with you at our 2022 graduate reception on May 6!