The Doyon Foundation journey doesn’t end with graduation! We are so proud of our alumni, the amazing places they have gone on to, the achievements they are making, and the positive differences they are having in their communities. Each month, we feature an update on one of our alumni. This month, we are pleased to highlight Freddie Olin IV.
Where are you from? I am enrolled with the Tanana Tribal Council, a Class C Doyon, Limited shareholder, and shareholder descendant of Tozitna, Limited and Gana-A’Yoo, Limited. I grew up in Anchorage, and have lived in Fairbanks and Juneau, as well as Massachusetts. My little family is glad to be back in Alaska for the next while.
What is your educational background? I am a non-traditional student. I first began attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in fall 2001, as a mechanical engineering student. After my sophomore year in 2002 – 2003, I decided engineering wasn’t going to be my field, and began exploring options.
What I was most engaged in during the interim was fine art photography, and I took traditional and digital photography classes at both UAF and the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). I also experimented on my own for many years; to this day, I am a casual photographer.
I eventually decided my passion was more political than artistic, and enrolled with the UAF rural development undergraduate degree program spring 2008. I would take breaks from classes and semesters, working on the North Slope or wildland firefighting. When injuries kept me from working either labor field, I successfully transitioned into staffing elected offices in the Alaska State Senate, the Alaska State House, and the Alaska gubernatorial administration in Juneau. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit in March 2020 that I finally was forced to take a break from everything and really be able to plan out a course to graduation. I received my Bachelor of Arts in rural development in December 2021.
What are you doing now? I have fully landed “back home” at Gana-A’Yoo, Limited. My dad is an original shareholder and my mom inherited shares from her paternal side, who were or are all original shareholders. My current position is project coordinator of shareholder programs, and includes staffing the Gana-A’Yoo Foundation scholarship program, land and resource management, community relations, and other task areas as needed in the Anchorage office.
Anything else you would like to share? Doyon Foundation was my financial mainstay throughout my whole non-traditional track to achieving a Bachelor of Arts degree, and I sincerely appreciate the opportunities Doyon Foundation provided to help me reach this goal.
Are you a former Doyon Foundation scholarship recipient who has graduated? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to [email protected] or 907.459.2049.