In the June Native Word of the Month, we share two audio clips from our Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross) Doyon Languages Online course. In the clips, Tanacross speakers Nellie Probert and Jerry Isaac are finishing a conversation. A simple translation of this phrase is “good luck,” but during the recording session, Jerry shared that the phrase is wishing a blessing upon the person you are speaking to.
Nellie: Naa nitjult̲h̲îi. (Good luck to you.)
Jerry: Nínt’ah, nanitjult̲h̲îi. (Good luck to you as well.)
Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross) is just one of the languages available to learn in Doyon Languages Online. Currently available courses include:
- Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana)
- Deg Xinag
- Denaakk’e (Koyukon)
- Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross)
- Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in)
- Hän (Doyon Languages Online course, plus special memorial course based on the work of the late Isaac Juneby)
- Holikachuk
Courses in Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim) and Nee’aanèegn’ (Upper Tanana) will be available soon.
Doyon Languages Online courses are available for FREE to all interested learners. Find more information and sign up to access the courses at doyonfoundation.com/dlo.
For more Native words, view our archives on the Foundation website.