Kate Lillie is a student at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, where she’s earning a Master of Science degree in physician assistant studies. Physician assistants offer primary care in a variety of practice settings.
Kate is from Fairbanks and currently lives in Oregon. She’s a recipient of Doyon Foundation’s Morris Thompson scholarship, and plans to graduate in August.
“One of my biggest concerns about returning to school was the financial burden, especially now that I’m a mother,” she said.
“This scholarship has meant the world to me by providing financial assistance while I’m attending school full-time. It allowed me to focus my attention on excelling in school while still providing for and caring for my son.”
Named in honor of the late Morris Thompson, former president and CEO of Doyon, Limited, the Morris Thompson scholarship, awarded by Doyon Foundation, has helped more than 200 students forward their education. The annual Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic raises money for this competitive scholarship fund. This year’s event takes place June 23 – 24 in Fairbanks. There are opportunities to support the golf classic as a sponsor or volunteer; learn more and sign up at doyonfoundation.com/mtmgc.
You may also support the scholarship fund by making a secure online donation on our website or by mailing a check to Doyon Foundation, 615 Bidwell Ave., Suite 101, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701. To direct your donation to the Morris Thompson scholarship fund, simply note “Morris Thompson scholarship fund” in the notes section of the online form or on the memo line of your check. Thank you for supporting our students!