In this special edition of our Storyteller profile series, we put out a Summer Roll Call to our students and alumni asking them to share what they did this summer. From internships and trips, and classes to new babies, we got some great stories! Enjoy!

Buddy North, Student
My wife and I had our second child this June. So in the midst of writing a doctoral dissertation (on the nature of courage, and its relationship to learning), I’ve been busy getting to know a new human – all the while teaching my 4-year-old about caring for others.

Michael Caro, Student
This summer I studied business finance at the University of Central Florida. I also pursued my summer internship as an account executive intern at Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions in Orlando, Florida. I’m also celebrating my birthday.

Roselie Carroll, Alumni
I have been working two jobs to pay the bills! It’s not in my degree area of study but hopefully soon! I’m excited to further my education!

Estelle Burnham, Student
I always try to reboot myself and my family during our short summers. We were able to go back to our hometown of Nulato to visit. We missed fishing this year, but it’s always nice to just be home. We were also able to get in one family trip to Homer; visiting a new place always refreshes our minds.

Laura Ekada, Student
This summer I had the opportunity to travel a lot of different places. I went to Rampart and Huslia to do social research with the Biomedical Learning and Student Training program. I attended a week of the Alaska Indigenous Research Program in Anchorage. I did ethics training on how to do research with Indigenous people. I attended the Just Transition Summit in Anchorage where I heard about how different communities are creating regenerative economies and moving to cleaner energy and sustainable living. I spent a couple days in North Carolina touring the Plants for Human Health Institute. This made me interested in continuing a career in research.
I also raced in the Yukon 800, which is really physically and mentally exhausting. It was very rewarding to complete it and I am excited to continue boat racing in the future.
I was also given the opportunity to interview Elders in Nulato with the summer youth workers. The kids and I went to Elders’ houses and learned about Nulato’s history and life a long time ago.
There are a lot of summer opportunities out there and I hope more people will learn about them and get involved.
I took some summer classes on top of it all. I am almost done with my bachelor’s degree in biology with a concentration in biomedicine. I will be graduating in December 2022.

Charlotte James, Student
Recently, I interned with the Doyon, Limited accounting department. I will be receiving 3 credits for my internship and it will count towards my business management degree at UAF. During my internship, I felt welcomed and appreciated for my contributions and accomplishments. I am happy to exclaim that the internship provided me with valuable knowledge that I will carry into my future accounting career.

Dreana Taylor, Student
I live in Anchorage, Alaska. My mom is from Holy Cross, and my dad is from Angoon. I recently celebrated five years with Chugach Government Solutions, where I am the project accounting supervisor for a team of 12. My husband and I went fishing, camping, to a concert and other fun activities this summer. But mostly my time goes to college! My GPA is currently 3.89! I am three classes (8/27/22) away from graduating with my bachelor’s in accounting.

Mary Walker, Alumni
Fishing every chance I get. Here is a photo of myself in Seward fishing at low tide and pulling in those red salmon.