Doyon Foundation is pleased to announce several opportunities to be involved in our new DLO in the Classroom project. These are paid, contract positions. Interested individuals should respond by Friday, December 30.
Novice Teacher Cohort: We will contract with individuals who have an interest in becoming Indigenous language teachers to support their development and build experience in the language classroom. They will receive specific training provided by University of Alaska Fairbanks classes and through 7000 Languages. The novice language teachers will participate in lesson planning and classroom implementation, observation of other language classroom instructors, and reflective sessions with their cohort and language training consultant. Compensation is dependent on the number of successful applicants.
Native Language Speakers: We will contract with individuals to review language learning content created and shared by our novice teacher cohort. These individuals from the target languages communities will provide linguistic and/or cultural knowledge. This role could be filled by Elders or knowledgeable others who wish to have involvement in the DLO in the Classroom project. Compensation is dependent on the number of successful applicants.
Language Training Consultant: We will contract with a language training consultant who will facilitate a lesson study model with novice language teachers, and provide professional development and lesson development instruction. This position will be filled by an instructor with significant experience working with Native language speakers who are interested in teaching students their Native language. The consultant contract is a maximum of $25,000 annually over the three-year project.
Evaluator: Doyon Foundation will implement a comprehensive evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the DLO in the Classroom project. We will contract with an external evaluator to implement the evaluation plan, which includes evaluation services, data collection and synthesis, and report writing. The evaluation contract is a maximum of $30,000 annually over the three-year project.
Applications and RFQ/RFP responses will be accepted through Friday, December 30.
About DLO in the Classroom
The DLO in the Classroom project will create a collaborative instructional model in which K-12 classroom teachers and trained language teachers who are fluent in one or more of the Doyon region languages collaborate to facilitate language instruction for students in a K-12 classroom setting.
The project, which builds on the progress of the existing Doyon Languages Online project, is funded by a three-year, $1.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education – Alaska Native Educational Program. It will be piloted at Effie Kokrine Charter School in Fairbanks, with the long-term goal of expanding the model to other schools and districts in the Doyon region.
With the funding, the Foundation is able to provide training opportunities for novice teachers of the 10 indigenous languages of the Doyon region, in partnership with 7000 Languages, a nonprofit that supports endangered language learning partially through software donated by Transparent Language Online.
For more information or assistance, visit doyonfoundation.com or contact Allan Hayton at [email protected] or 907.459.2162.