Doyon Foundation is hosting a Where Are Your Keys (WAYK) language workshop in Northway at the Naabia Niign Youth Center on January 23, followed by a series of daily sessions January 24 – 27. You must be registered to attend, and the RSVP deadline is January 20. Download the flyer to learn more, RSVP online, or download the registration form.

You may choose to attend either the workshop or the daily sessions, or both. However, we request that workshop participants commit to staying for the entire workshop to receive the full benefits. Please note that the daily sessions are focused on Upper Tanana, but open to all.

The workshops are free and open to anyone interested in learning or teaching Native language, with a focus on Doyon, Limited shareholders and Doyon region tribal members. Non-shareholders should contact the Foundation before registering.

For more information, contact 907.459.2048 or [email protected]. Remember – you must be registered to attend and the RSVP deadline is Wednesday, January 20. RSVP online, or download the registration form.