Contact: Charles Stansfield
Email: [email protected]
Second Language Testing, Inc. (SLTI) has paid full-time internships available for the summer of 2010 as well as part-time internships during the regular academic year. Interns normally earn $11 – $16 per hour, depending on educational background and experience. For those who want to stay in the area, there is the potential for continued full-time employment. Eligible applicants must be an upper level undergraduate or graduate student attending a college or university, or a recent college graduate.
Second Language Testing Inc. is a small business located in Rockville, MD, five blocks from the White Flint metro station. Our 16 full-time employees focus on language testing and related issues. This includes the development of tests of language skills, language learning aptitude tests, and the translation, adaptation, and/or linguistic simplification of standardized assessments as accommodations for English language learners or others who read below grade level. SLTI is currently working with a larger educational testing company on the development of a model for testing the oral language skills of Native American children in their tribal language, either as a native language or as a second language. This work is being done under a contract with the Bureau of Indian Education. A Native American intern could become involved in this project as well as others.