Anaqalluataq (Good Evening in Iñupiatun)!
Next week is a week many have fondly termed, “Alaska Native New Year.” Many will travel to Dgheyaytnu (Anchorage) to engage in a week of incredible convenings, important conversations, and connections with family and dear friends.
With that, we always want to create a space for our languages, everywhere we are, in everything we do.
Two years ago, there was a grassroots gathering of Alaska Native language revitalization activists, learners, teachers, elders meeting Juneau two years penned the Alaska Native Language Summit. Because we are on Dena’ina land in 2018, this gathering is Huch’itidulq’uł: We Begin Building a Fire for Ourselves.
Attached is the agenda for the event, and a flyer to share. If you’d like to volunteer, let us know!
Huch’itidulq’uł (We Begin Building a Fire for Ourselves)
Alaska Native Language Summit 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Alaska Center for the Performing Arts
Chin’an to Kenaitze Indian Tribe and to our sponsors Sealaska Corporation, Alaska Humanities Forum, and the Municipality of Anchorage.
Cordially sent on behalf of the team:
Veri di Suvero
Cordelia Qiġñaaq Kellie
Joel Isaak
Dewey Kkʼołeyo Hoffman
Margi Dashevsky
David Russell-Jensen
Melissa Shaginoff
Huch’itidulq’uł Flow FINAL.pdf
Huch’itidulq’uł Alaska Native Languages Summit 2018 Flyer.pdf