In honor of the 2019 Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic, we’d like to introduce you to another of our amazing Morris Thompson competitive scholarship recipients: Noah Lovell. A University of Alaska Fairbanks student, Noah is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in marketing. He graduates in 2020.
His parents are Patrick Lovell of Chelan, Washington, and Sallie Lovell of Fairbanks. His maternal grandparents are Lillian Evans of Rampart and the late Joseph Burns of Fairbanks. Noah writes that his paternal grandmother was born and raised in Japan and his paternal grandfather is from the Midwest; both passed away before he had a chance to meet them. Noah’s hometown is Fairbanks.
Noah Lovell: I’m beyond grateful for the opportunities Doyon Foundation has provided for me. Because of the Foundation’s basic and competitive scholarships, I’ve been able to pay the cost of tuition and gas for my car, which I use to commute to and from school. I haven’t had to take out loans. I haven’t had to pay out of pocket to help get through college.
Doyon Foundation has made a financially stress-free college experience a reality. It’s an immense blessing to say, “I’m debt free.”
Doyon Foundation: That’s inspiring, especially when so many students find paying for college to be a real challenge.
NL: The biggest challenge I faced during my college education is the feeling that I may not be doing enough. The only way to combat this is to tackle your education head on, and that’s exactly what I’ve done.
I try my best in every project, essay or presentation. The reward isn’t just the feeling that you’ve done your best. It’s knowing that you’ve given it your all and made yourself proud.
DF: You believe that requires looking inside first.
NL: I think we go through life trying to make others happy. But we can easily check up on ourselves throughout the day, week or month or even the school year by asking, “Am I on track?”
Doing this makes you more self-aware. You’re able to build up maturity as an individual and when you do that, you become a builder of a stronger community and society.
DF: For you, asking if you’re “on track” started in childhood!
NL: I’ve played the violin since fourth grade and started playing the piano around three years ago. I love to read and write poetry. Painting has become a new hobby even though I’m not very good at it.
But that’s what life is all about — trying new things. I’ve centered my life around trying everything healthy at least once. If I’m good at it, then great, but if not, that’s OK. I can try another thing.
One of the most important qualities to have in life is the ability to try something new and not care if you’ll be judged or not.
DF: And if what you love is learning?
NL: If you love being a student, then go all the way to get your doctorate! The world is in your hands.
DF: What takes up your time outside of school?
NL: I volunteer regularly with the Fairbanks Concert Association and with Great Alaskan Accounting People. (The acronym, GAAP, is a play on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the federally adopted accounting standards.) I was the information technology officer for GAAP this past school year but next year I’ll be the recruiter, which I’m really looking forward to.
DF: You’ve mentioned that you’re known for being optimistic. How did you come by that trait?
NL: Everyone handles disappointment differently, but I’ve learned that when you’re able to change your outlook so that the world isn’t something to be feared but instead has opportunities waiting for you, then everything will shift. This takes time, but it’s so worth it.
It’s not only about coping with that feeling you get when all your aunties and uncles are asking, “What are you going to do next?” and you realize that you haven’t put much time or thought into the goals and skills that life is asking of you. Instead it’s learning that life is always going to open up when you’re able to give.
Giving is what makes life enjoyable. My favorite thing to do is give love, which makes the whole entire world run.
DF: That sounds like a tip for success in college and beyond.
NL: First and foremost, believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it and everything else will fall into place. Success starts from within.
DF: Since you mentioned it — and aunties and uncles might be reading — what are you going to do next?
NL: My summer plans include interning in Washington, D.C., for U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska. I also plan to work toward my master’s degree in business and I hope to teach English in Japan one day.
Doyon Foundation has helped motivate me and inspire me. Without Doyon scholarships, I would have had a harder time going through college. Thank you! Baasee’
Named in honor of the late Morris Thompson, former president and CEO of Doyon, Limited, the Morris Thompson Scholarship, awarded by Doyon Foundation, has helped more than 200 students earn college degrees. The annual Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic raises money for this competitive scholarship fund. This year’s golf classic took place June 13 and 14 in Fairbanks.
A special thank you to all of our 2019 Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic sponsors, including our bachelor’s-level sponsors: Alaska Airlines, Brice Inc., Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Calista Corporation, CIRI, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Doyon Drilling, Inc., Dorsey & Whitney, LLP, Flowline Alaska, Inc., Saltchuk Companies, and Wells Fargo. Your support makes scholarships for students like Noah possible! View all 2019 sponsors on our website.
To learn about future opportunities to support the event as a sponsor, golfer or volunteer, visit the Foundation website for details.
Congratulations Noah! I’m so thrilled for you, especially in light of all the sad funding cuts at UAF. I’m so happy to see you shine and hear your words of wisdom. Keep that fire burning!