157_DLO Language Survey Promotion4_FB-IN20 minutes of your time can help for generations to come

Doyon Foundation and Tanana Chiefs Conference are actively working on revitalizing the Alaska Native languages of the Interior region. We would like your opinion about language revitalization, information about your knowledge and use of your Native language, and your thoughts on proposed language revitalization strategies. Doyon shareholders and/or tribal members are invited to take our online Interior Alaska Language Revitalization Interest Survey. The last day to participate is Friday, May 8 at 5 p.m.

“The information shared in this survey will help us create new language programs that meet the needs and interests of language learners,” said Allan Hayton, Doyon Foundation’s language revitalization program director.

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes, and the information you share will help us chart a course for preserving and passing on our Interior Alaska Native languages for generations to come.

To show our appreciation for your valuable time, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of three $100 or six $50 Amazon gift cards at the end of the survey.

“Our Native languages are precious, but they are fragile and need our immediate attention in order to survive and thrive for future generations,” said Doris Miller, Doyon Foundation executive director. “These language revitalization efforts are our lasting legacy. I believe our ancestors are proud of this work to perpetuate our language learning and use.”

To participate, access the online survey here. For more information, contact Allan Hayton at 907.459.2048 or toll-free at 1.888.478.4755 ext. 2048, or Ed Alexander, Tanana Chiefs Conference education director, at 907.452.8251 ext. 3032.