Trail Markers is an Upward Bound program through the UAF Interior-Aleutians Campus (I-AC). Their goal is to assist primarily Alaska Native high school students attending Lathrop and Effie Kokrine Charter School in their high school career and help them enter and succeed in college. The foundation for their success is built upon cultural enrichment opportunities.

Who was your mentor? Most people can all think of at least one person who took the time to guide and direct us, to lift us up, or show us the way, to share their experience, lend an ear and answer our questions.

Upward Bound is seeking community members for opportunities to help youth. This can be through one-time, weekly, monthly and/or long term assistance with cultural activities or with their journey to college. Ways to assist: one hour presentations on culture, college, or career related topics; Native craft instruction; storytelling; job shadowing; assisting with workshops, seminars, or field trips related to math, science, Native language, or language arts and composition; volunteer tutors; and snack donations for our after school study hall. Upward Bound is also open to hearing your ideas on what you can offer. A little goes a long way!

For more information, please contact Amelia Ruerup, Program Manager at 474-0958 Ext. 111, email [email protected] or Misti Hopkins, Academic Coordinator at 456-7794 Ext. 17633, email [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration!