Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC) has a new program where we are recruiting Alaska Native and American Indian volunteers for the CASA program. The CASA would be a volunteer, who would advocate for a child or children in the foster care system. The current information is that more than 60 percent of Alaska’s children in the foster care system are Alaska Native/American Indian. In Anchorage alone, 395 out of 664 (59 percent) of the children in foster care are Alaska Native. Today, there are approximately 100 CASA volunteers in Anchorage and less than 10 volunteers are Alaska Native or American Indian. In order to balance the disproportionate numbers, CITC is recruiting Alaska Native CASAs. If anyone is interested in learning more about the CASA program or would like to attend the fall training, please contact Donna Huntington at 907.793.3155 or [email protected].