The following article is reprinted courtesy of the Gana-A’Yoo, Limited newsletter. To view the full newsletter, visit . Article submitted by Kayli Hildebrand.
I was raised in Northway by my parents Bernard and Emma Hildebrand. Northway is a small village of less than 300 people, where I lived until I graduated from High School. My dad is originally from Nulato and my mother’s relatives are from McGrath and Anchorage. I enjoyed learning about our Athabascan culture by attending potlatches and through Native singing & dancing. I took a Native language class growing up and enjoyed being around our elders and adults who spoke it.
Northway will always be my home. Growing up there was some challenges and I realizing not many people from home attended college or moved away. I decided early on that I was not going to stay in the village; I wanted to make a difference in life and to show my parents that I can succeed. I received a full scholarship for being at the top of my class and I now attend the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
My first day of college was very scary. I didn’t know anyone at all, but as days and weeks went by, I saw people I knew and I also met new friends. I chose UAF to get a degree in mechanical engineering. Why, you ask? Because my dad works for Alyeska Pipeline and I see that he makes a good living and I too want to be successful. I also would like to have a great job that will allow me to care for my family when I am older, just as my dad did. I may not be the best at math or English, but I know I will do my best in college to show my parents I can succeed in life.
Growing up, I have done many extracurricular activities including basketball, where we made it to state twice and I was also a big sister volunteer. I have held many jobs to stay busy growing up including a grocery store clerk, babysitting and working at Fast Eddy’s in Tok. I now work at the Interior-Aleutians Campus as a facilitator. This job allows me to work regularly with college students. It is a great working experience. When I complete college, I plan to succeed far in life. I know that UAF is the perfect place for me because it is close to all my family and friends. The teachers and students are great and I am looking forward to a little fun while at college.
Wherever you go in life take some chances, get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Good Luck.