PA’I Call for Artists

PA’I Call for Artists

PA’I Foundation is seeking 3-4 performing Artists for their touring production, The Indigenous Road Show. Application deadline is Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 11:59pm PST (Pacific Standard Time). For more details on this amazing opportunity, please see PDF attached or...
August Native Words of the Month

August Native Words of the Month

We are pleased to present our August 2019 Native words of the month in Hän. Thank you to our speaker, the late Isaac Juneby. Łuu choo = Salmon Łuu choo nįdhän. = He wants salmon Thank you to our speaker, Ruth Ridley. Ä̀h’ä̀ä = Outside Ä̀h’ä̀ä k’oh hònlįį. = It is...