by Doyon Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Language and Culture
Anaqalluataq (Good Evening in Iñupiatun)! Next week is a week many have fondly termed, “Alaska Native New Year.” Many will travel to Dgheyaytnu (Anchorage) to engage in a week of incredible convenings, important conversations, and connections with family...
by Doyon Foundation | Oct 8, 2018 | Language and Culture
See a link to the latest Alaska Native Language Revitalization Digest below. Alaska Language Revitalization Digest Vol.3 No.14 10.6.18.pdf
by Doyon Foundation | Oct 8, 2018 | Language and Culture, News and Events
Celebrate by sharing your language Today is Indigenous Peoples Day, and Doyon Foundation invites you to celebrate by sharing YOUR language! In 2017, Gov. Bill Walker signed legislation recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska. The law establishes Alaska as...
by Doyon Foundation | Oct 1, 2018 | Language and Culture, Native Word of the Month, News and Events
Here is your October Native Word of the Month in Deg Xinag! Thank you to our translator, Edna Deacon of Grayling! Q’elgesr = black willow (young) Q’elgesr nihałtrith = Whipping the black willow* * People would whip the willow as they were walking; it makes a whistling...
by Doyon Foundation | Sep 24, 2018 | Language and Culture
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 18-118 Contact: Austin Baird, Press Secretary – (907) 310-9761 Berett Wilber, Deputy Press Secretary – (907) 419-3931 Gov. Walker recognizes linguistic emergency for Alaska Native languages Administrative Order 300 supports Native...
by Doyon Foundation | Sep 18, 2018 | Language and Culture
Please find attached the newest Alaska Native language revitalization digest. Alaska Language Revitalization Digest 9.14.18.pdf