by Doyon Foundation | Apr 17, 2015 | Language and Culture
Click here to read about Edna MacLean’s journey to preserve one of Alaska’s indigenous languages in the spring issue of UAF’s Aurora magazine.
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 17, 2015 | Language and Culture
Where Are Your Keys is offering summer 2015 internships. Applicants will be asked to supply the following: recent work history, educational background, language proficiency, and three professional references. Make sure to read posts about the summer project, about...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 12, 2015 | Educational Opportunities, Language and Culture, News and Events
A series of Where Are Your Keys (WAYK) language trainings were held within the Doyon, Limited region this fall, drawing nearly 50 language learners-teachers. Trainings, which were facilitated by WAYK developer Evan Gardner and partner Susanna Ciotti, took place in...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 5, 2015 | Language and Culture, News and Events
ANE Potluck Celebration Tonight, Thursday, February 05, 2015 5:30-7:30PM at the Barnette Magnet School Gym Bring a dish to share.
by Doyon Foundation | Jan 23, 2015 | Language and Culture, Scholarships
View email in browser Native Arts and Cultures Foundation January 23, 2015 The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) seeks to recognize innovative American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian artists and culture makers across the country through the 2015...
by Doyon Foundation | Jan 20, 2015 | Language and Culture
Below is a flyer for an upcoming language class in April that will be held in Tok. Call the UAF Tok Center at 907-883-5613 or 1-800-478-2773 to register for this class. ANL F108 Gary Holton Spring 2015 Flyer.docx