by Doyon Foundation | Feb 26, 2013 | Language and Culture, News and Events
The Alaska Native Heritage Center has attained funding for a one year project that addresses the rapid pace of language loss of Alaska Natives, the impact that migration to urban areas has on language loss, and the need to develop a plan to preserve the diverse...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 25, 2013 | Educational Opportunities, Language and Culture
The Young Native Writers Essay Contest is a writing contest for Native American high school students and is designed to encourage young Native Americans to write about the progress their tribal communities have made and how their tribal communities can keep moving...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 19, 2013 | Language and Culture
Please see the attached flyer asking for volunteers and donations for the upcoming Fairbanks Native Association potlatch. This is their 50th Annual Potlatch! Let’s all work together to keep this tradition strong in the Fairbanks community!!! Contact Tonya Garnett at...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 19, 2013 | Language and Culture
In celebration of Eliza Jones’s birthday, a celebration of languages will be held by hosting language activities. Join us for Denaakkenaage’ Dzaanh (Our Native Language Day)! Saturday February 23, 2013 11 AM to 3 PM YKSD District Office – 4762 Old...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 14, 2013 | Career Opportunities, Language and Culture
First Nations Development Institute ( is a Native American economic development organization located in Longmont, Colorado. First Nations Development Institute was founded in 1980 with the mission to assist Native communities in controlling their...
by Doyon Foundation | Feb 14, 2013 | Educational Opportunities, Language and Culture
The Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce a call for essays for its eighth annual Young Native Writers Essay Contest. The Foundation partners with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian to sponsor the...