Doyon Foundation’s DLO On the Go Contest continues to encourage interested language-learners to learn their language with Doyon Languages Online, which offers free online language-learning courses for all interested learners! And now learners have even more time to learn and earn prize entries, as the deadline has been extended to Friday, September 3!
Here’s how it works:
If you’re a new user, sign up to access Doyon Languages Online and join the contest “class” for the language you want to learn. See the class sign-up links below.
If you already have an account, simply log in and join the contest “class” for the language you are learning.
There are five contest classes – click the link to sign up:
- Join the Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana) contest class
- Join the Denaakk’e (Koyukon) contest class
- Join the Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in) contest class
- Join the Holikachuk contest class
- Join the Hän contest class
Start learning your language – and remember, the more you learn, the more contest entries you earn! For example:
- Earn one entry for the first course unit you complete.
- Earn two entries for the second course unit you complete.
- Earn three entries for the third course unit you complete.
- And so on! Note: Most courses include 10 units.
If you’re an existing user, you’ll receive credit for the units you’ve already completed.
Be entered to win prizes! You now have through Friday, September 3 to complete as many course units as you can. We will then tally the entries and hold a random drawing for the winners.
We’ll select three winners from each course class and award prizes including:
- First prize: iPad Mini (so you can continue your language-learning on the go!)
- Second prize: iPod Touch (be sure to load Doyon Languages Online so you can learn your language anywhere!)
- Third prize: $100 Apple gift card
- All users will receive Doyon Languages Online swag for participating.
Sign up today and start learning! DoyonFoundation.com/DLO