Doyon Foundation is seeking interested and qualified applicants for our open Doyon Languages Online II project assistant position. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a collaborative effort to revitalize the Native languages of the Doyon region! Applications are currently being accepted online through the close date of Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
Under the supervision of the language revitalization program director, the Doyon Languages Online II project assistant will assist with the coordination and implementation of the Doyon Languages Online II project, with a special emphasis on developing a community of speakers and learners. This is a full-time position based at the Doyon Foundation office in Fairbanks.
Doyon Languages Online is a Doyon Foundation effort to develop online language-learning lessons for nine of the 10 endangered Native languages of the Doyon region, including Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana), Deg Xinag , Denaakk’e (Koyukon), Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross), Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim), Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in), Hän, Holikachuk and Nee’aanèegn’ (Upper Tanana). Once completed, the lessons will be available for free to all interested language learners.
Some of the duties and responsibilities of the project assistant are preparing materials for work sessions; planning for trainings; overseeing timelines addressing problems; and managing assets like recordings, videos and photos. View the online job description for a complete list of essential functions.
The ideal applicant has a bachelor’s degree in education; at a minimum, candidates must have a high school diploma. Applicants should also have knowledge of Doyon region language and culture, and experience in education. Experience with computer-assisted language learning, working with diverse populations, community development, and computer/video equipment is preferred. View the online job description for full requirement details.
If you are interested in being our next Doyon Languages Online II project assistant, please view the job description and apply online. And if you know someone who may be interested, please help spread the word! Applications will be accepted through the close date of Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
You can learn more about Doyon Foundation and our language revitalization program at www.doyonfoundation.com.